--F637FB90 warning 'Proxysvc Req00002'-- Connection to localhost:8309 failed with error N7Vmacore15SystemExceptionE(Connection refused).
and I noticed that the /var/log/messages contains a lot of vmware-authd start & stop messages. I struggled and managed to find a workaround which consisted of:
- Logging onto the service console as root
- Edit the /etc/vmware/hostd/config.xml file and disabling the "proxysvc" component of hostd.
- Restart the hostd process (service mgmt-vmware restart)
- Wait for all my autostart VM's to come online
- Re-enable the "proxysvc" and restart hostd once again
The solution was to clear my /etc/resolv.conf file and now everything works fine immediately after a reboot (no more attempts to connect to a virtual machine that is not yet running)! This completely slashes DNS support (in particular if you are using HA, you'll need to do good /etc/hosts maintenance). Since your typical production environment probably is not running the entire DNS infrastructure as a or several virtual machine(s), you probably are never exposed to this issue anyway.